Navajo Teec YEI Weaving; c.1930-40. RARE Sandpainting Style. [W9616]


Navajo Teec YEI Weaving; c.1930-40. RARE Sandpainting Style. [W9616]


PRICE: SOLD includes ship & insurance. ‘POR’ means please CALL 703-801-2565 to discuss purchase options including “on-approval” purchase.

Origin: Diné [Navajo], Navajo Nation, c.1930-40. [W9616]

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This c.1930-1940 Navajo YEI pictorial weaving was woven in the Teec Nos Pos area of the Navajo Nation, with an unusual depiction of a stylized female YEI with interesting and unique design elements.  The weaver's skill is reflected in the tightly-spun and tightly-woven weaving and attention to detail in the design elements.  Although the weaving shows its age with wear and fade, it makes unique, delightful, fascinating wall art.

DIMENSIONS:  approximating 40 x 47”
CONDITION:  generally faded designs and colors –essentially equal fade on both sides.  Professionally cleaned & blocked; modest professional repairs to broken selvedge; in a few places, synthetic black over-dye is apparent.  NO moth damage; NO toxic moth treatments; NO odors of tobacco, chemicals, fragrance; NO mold.   We are: non-smokers; we do NOT use chemical moth repellants. Our house is MOLD-free, fragrance-free, chemical-free, Covid-free.
Note that the color variations in the grey center field are due to variations in natural grey sheep wool.  Variations in the black border color is due to (1) variations in natural black sheep wool color, & (2) some areas of synthetic black over-dye of natural black wool [see photos].
We love and admire this old Navajo weaving for its rare and unique design, its charm, beauty and unique artistic vision & creativity--it 'moves' us spiritually, aesthetically and emotionally.  Antique Navajo weavings like this provide a ‘window’ into Diné history and culture.  And we are awed in knowing their creation requires hundreds & even thousands of hours of dedicated hand labor using knowledge and skills inherited from Diné ancestors.

MATERIALS:  tightly hand-spun and tightly woven Navajo sheep wool.  Warps: 11 warps/inch; natural white.  Wefts: 32 wefts/inch. 7 colors:  natural sheep wool grey, white, & black; faded vegetal-dyed (?) yellow; synthetic-dyed red, maroon red, black.  Tassels: natural black & synthetic-dyed red. Selvedge cords:  side selvedge synthetic-dyed red; warp selvedge natural black.

WRITTEN AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE:  Navajo hand-woven Yei Pictorial Weaving from the Teec Nos Pos area of the Navajo Nation, c.1930-1940; approximating 40 x 47” in size.  Hand-spun Navajo sheep wool.  Warps: 11/inch; natural white.  Wefts: 32/inch; with 7 colors consisting of natural grey, white & black plus vegetal-dyed yellow and synthetic-dyed red, maroon red, black.  Tassels: natural black & synthetic-dyed red. Selvedge cords natural black and synthetic-dyed red.

Buy without worries. (1) Written authenticity guarantee from 28 yr. member of Authentic Tribal Art Dealers Asso. []. (2) To protect YOUR & our HEALTH, our home & inventory storage are chemical-free, fragrance-free, mold-free. (3) We are COVID-FREE--we, our inventory & our packing materials have been well protected from any Covid virus exposures. Click this link: How we PROTECT your HEALTH