Returns, Refunds, Exchanges & Order Cancellation Policies


  • TO PROTECT YOUR HEALTH—even more vital during the Covid-19 Pandemic !!!!

  • To protect Mother Earth’s health

  • To protect the condition & integrity of the Native American hand-made original arts

  • ONLY EXCEPTION to ‘No Returns’: Austin Air HEPA filters, consistent with Austin Air’s “30 day, Money-Back Guarantee”. See for specifics.]

  • It is impossible to guarantee delivery by date certain. Covid & Climate Change-caused extreme weather may disrupt all delivery services, and are beyond our control. There are NO returns, refunds or exchanges in case of delivery delays.


WHY WE DON’T MATCH OTHERS’ 30 DAY RETURN POLICIES. Do you care whether your item was previously purchased, used for weeks, & returned from someone who was, or may be, infected with Covid-19? Do you care whether someone else wore that necklace or pair of earrings for weeks & then returned them? Do you care whether that painting, weaving or jewelry has adsorbed someone else’s body fragrance, toxic tobacco smoke odors, toxic ‘air fresheners’, moldy house odors, pet or cooking odors, toxic fragrance from ‘scented’ laundry products? We think that makes them ‘used’NOT new—& makes them potential health hazards. WE CARE, & WE KNOW OUR HAPPY CUSTOMERS DO, TOO!

OUR PRIORITY: PROTECTING YOUR HEALTH from COVID-19 & FLU viruses, toxic chemicals, fragrances, mold.

1. Protecting YOU from Covid-19 & Flu viruses. WE ARE COVID-FREE and so is our home, our inventory, and our packaging/shipping materials! ALL of our new art inventory was acquired PRE-Pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have maintained a strict self-quarantine simply to protect our own health. ALL deliveries of household supplies and groceries are thoroughly disinfected OUTSIDE our home before being brought inside, to prevent contaminating our house or us with viruses that may have been shed onto products and ship boxes by store personnel, shippers, or delivery personnel. Our ‘no returns/no refunds/no exchanges’ policy means our inventory items have not been handled by, used by, or exposed to anyone or to indoor spaces that were contaminated by infected people who were shedding viruses. Native American jewelry and arts you purchase from us have been fully protected from exposures to potential sources of Covid-19 infection.

2. Protecting YOU from common health hazards. These days, the indoor air in many homes, stores and office buildings is contaminated with numerous chemicals emitted by building materials and furnishings, cleaning supplies, and occupant fragrances and activities like smoking. The indoor air of many homes and buildings in humid or rainy climates is contaminated with mold mycotoxins documented as causing serious human health effects. The use of ‘air fresheners’, ‘scented’ laundry products, & fragranced body-care products is widespread in homes, businesses, and even in delivery vehicles and on delivery personnel.  Many people don’t know this FACT: the vast majority of those ‘scented’/fragranced products—including scented laundry soap & dryer sheets—are composed of numerous toxic chemicals documented as having adverse health effects on humans [See the research of Dr. Anne Steinemann ].  Toxic chemical fragrances/scents now are so pervasive that many consumer products become embedded with those toxic odors.  Antique Native American weavings, baskets, pottery & jewelry easily ABSORB those toxic ‘fragrances’ within minutes of being exposed to them, and those toxic fragrance odors can never be removed from those irreplaceable art items. Many people experience allergic or toxic health effects when exposed to indoor air contaminants, including fragrances. Hygiene issues can be posed by earrings owned and worn previously by someone else. Earrring wires that are NOT Sterling Silver can cause allergenic or inflammatory responses in some people. WE DON’T WANT YOU TO EXPERIENCE ANY SUCH HEALTH PROBLEMS WITH PURCHASES FROM US. Here’s how we make that a priority [at considerable expense to us]:

  • Our contemporary jewelry items have NOT been previously purchased, worn or returned by someone else. All our vintage jewelry items are decades old and not worn by someone else since we acquired them pre-Covid.

  • Our earrings ALL have Sterling Silver clutches or wires—we even provide a FREE second set!

  • Our home, home business areas, inventory storage areas, home furnishings, & our clothing are fragrance-free, chemical-free & mold-free.

  • When we purchase items from Native American artists or their preferred agents, we reject any that already are contaminated with fragrance or other odors. During the current Covid Pandemic, we have NOT purchased new Native American arts because, tragically, the Navajo Nation and the Pueblos have had high infection rates.

  • We package and ship using fragrance-free, sustainable, recycled cardboard. We protect-pack jewelry with unscented, organic cotton or ‘pure-grow’ wool, instead of chemically-processed jeweler’s ‘cotton’/pads.

Our ‘no returns’ policy is vital to ensuring your purchase delights you. Like you, when we purchase a wonderful Native American art item, we are delighted. We treasure those items as we wear them and as they beautify our daily lives in our home. We want you to have that same experience with the ‘treasured’ Native American art you purchase from us. We take the following steps so you avoid disappointment with your purchases.

  1. BEFORE you buy, our website provides you with an exceptional level of information compared to other online businesses. We do that so all your questions are answered before you buy! That knowledge enhances your appreciation of the item and gives you full confidence to make a purchase. We provide high quality photos and detailed descriptions of each authentic Native American art item we offer. We urge you to thoroughly study our photos and read our detailed item descriptions and ‘comments’.  If you have additional questions, or desire more photos, please email us : or call 703-801-2565. We will promptly respond so you are certain of your choice, and you continue to be excited and delighted with your decision.

  2. We provide a written guarantee of the authenticity of the Native American art you purchase from us. This sets us apart from most other retailers of Native American arts & also provides you with a documentation keepsake for your authentic Native American art.


It’s scientific fact that Earth’s climate is being destroyed by production of carbon dioxide and methane from human activities, including reliance on fossil fuels.  Climate scientists conclude that we will face irreversible, disastrous effects on human life by 2030 unless we reverse the excess production of climate destroying materials.  ‘Returns’ create massive amounts of climate-destroying carbon dioxide! One source calculated that in the US alone, the product return process creates over 15 million metric tons of CO2 annually, and 5 billion pounds of returned goods end up in US landfills each year [The Verge 12/26/19 “Free Returns come with an environmental cost.”] We take the following actions to help mitigate climate change & protect Mother Earth’s health:

  • Encouraging our customers to thoroughly deliberate before placing an order, and join us in avoiding returns that are a significant cause of destructive climate change, air pollution, and adverse impacts on human health.

  • We use climate-friendly, non-toxic, sustainable packaging--NO PLASTIC except when label tape is necessary.


Native American original arts are fragile or susceptible to adsorbing chemical, fragrance or other odors & body oils that can permanently contaminate them, thereby degrading their original condition.  Removing fragrances from these arts is impossible. Returning & re-shipping items significantly increases the risk of damage to these arts. Our ‘No Returns’ policy avoids such damage and avoids degradation of these unique and precious Native American arts.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and support for our policies designed to protect your health, the Planet’s health, and the integrity of original Native American arts.  THANK YOU.

Order Cancellation?  Yes, but ONLY if you request cancellation (1) via telephone & (2) within 2 HOURS of placing an order! 

To cancel within 2 HOURS of placing your order online, call us at 703-801-2565.  We always try to be available to personally answer phone calls received during business hours [11a.m. -7p.m. Eastern].  If we are not available in person, leave a message specifying the following:

  • your name & order number

  • your telephone number

  • your request to cancel the order

ATTENTION: do NOT use email, text, or social media to try to cancel an order.  We will honor a cancellation ONLY if you do so via telephone within 2 hours of placing your order.  Why the short cancellation time period?  Any longer time frame would mean we would have to delay processing and shipping ALL orders until a longer cancellation time frame had expired.

Read our Ordering/Shipping Policies