Beautiful 80+ yr.-old Navajo Weaving, abstract art design woven in the Red Mesa area of Navajo Nation, c.1930-40


Beautiful 80+ yr.-old Navajo Weaving, abstract art design woven in the Red Mesa area of Navajo Nation, c.1930-40


Origin:  Diné [Navajo], Navajo Nation, c. 1930-40. [W1201]

PRICE:  $3600.  ‘POR’ means please CALL 703-801-2565 to discuss purchase options.  Includes shipping and insurance to lower 48 states.  CALL 703-801-2565.

Provenance:  former collection of well-known advocate for Native American art, Ralph T. Coe. 
New York Times obituary:
Santa Fe New Mexican obituary:

Dimensions:  approximately 39 x 61”, with slight variation in length—1 side is 61” long & the other is 62” long [see photos].  DOES THAT VARIATION MATTER to YOU?  If it does, then please do NOT buy this weaving. For us, those slight variations do NOT detract from our enjoyment of this weaving’s beauty and artistic value. We love, admire & collect Diné weaving art for its awesome beauty, unique artistic vision, & creativity--they 'move' us spiritually, aesthetically and emotionally. And we are awed in knowing their creation requires hundreds & even thousands of hours of dedicated hand labor using knowledge and skills inherited from Diné ancestors.
Antique Navajo textiles like this one, hand-made 80+ years ago on an upright loom, are rarely perfect in every detail.  Besides, absence of precision is affirmation of the amazing hand-made character of these weavings. 
More important than anything else I’ve said: 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'!  So if you see this weaving as having 'imperfections' that distract from full enjoyment of this weaving art, please don't buy the weavingAs with all art, buy it only if its beauty and spirit move you, so that each day it's in your home, it brings you joy.

Condition:  professionally cleaned & blocked; no fade; no dye bleed; no moth damage; no toxic moth treatments; no odors of tobacco, chemicals, fragrance; no mold.  We are: non-smokers; we do NOT use chemical moth repellants. Our house is MOLD-free, fragrance-free, chemical-free, Covid-free.

MATERIALS: Navajo hand-spun sheep wool. Warps: 8-9/inch—natural white/beige sheep wool. Wefts:  30/inch; Navajo hand-spun wool in 12 colors, including synthetic-dyed dark red, light red, light & dark orange, black, platinum blue, yellow, silver gray, gray, chocolate brown, & natural light & dark brown.  Selvedge:  Navajo hand-spun sheep wool; synthetic-dyed red.

WRITTEN AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE:  Navajo-woven abstract art weaving in the “Red Mesa” design style; c. 1930-40; approximating 39 x 61”  .  Warps: 8-9/inch; natural light brown Navajo hand-spun wool.  Wefts:  30/inch; Navajo hand-spun wool in 12 colors—2 natural wool colors & 10 synthetic-dyed colors. Selvedge:  Navajo hand-spun sheep wool; synthetic-dyed red.

Buy without worries: (1) written authenticity guarantee; member-Authentic Tribal Art Dealers Asso. [ATADA]; (2) we are COVID-FREE--we, our inventory & our packing materials have been well protected from any Covid virus exposures; (3) our home & inventory storage is chemical-free, fragrance-free, mold-free, to protect our & YOUR HEALTH. Click this link: How we PROTECT your HEALTH

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This c. 1930-1940 "Red Mesa" style weaving is a beautiful abstract art creation that will beautify any home.  The Diné [Navajo] weaver who envisioned and created it was a highly skilled artisan:  the Navajo sheep wool was tightly hand-spun and woven, with a beautifully executed abstract geometric design composed of 12 attractive colors.

Provenance:  former collection of well-known advocate for Native American art, Ralph T. Coe. 
New York Times obituary:
Santa Fe New Mexican obituary:

Dimensions:  approximately 39 x 61”, with slight variation in length—1 side is 61” long & the other is 62” long [see photos].  DOES THAT VARIATION MATTER to YOU?  If it does, then please do NOT buy this weaving. Such slight variations in antique, hand-made weavings are typical. For us, those slight variations do NOT detract from our enjoyment of a weaving’s beauty and artistic value. We love, admire & collect Diné weaving art for its awesome beauty, unique artistic vision, & creativity--they 'move' us spiritually, aesthetically and emotionally. And we are awed in knowing their creation requires hundreds & even thousands of hours of dedicated hand labor using knowledge and skills inherited from Diné ancestors.
Antique Navajo textiles like this one, hand-made 80+ years ago on an upright loom, are rarely perfect in every detail.  Besides, absence of precision is affirmation of the amazing hand-made character of these weavings. 
More important than anything else I’ve said: 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'!  So if you see this weaving as having 'imperfections' that distract from full enjoyment of this weaving art, please don't buy the weavingAs with all art, buy it only if its beauty and spirit move you, so that each day it's in your home, it brings you joy.

Condition:  professionally cleaned & blocked; no fade; no dye bleed; no moth damage; no toxic moth treatments; no odors of tobacco, chemicals, fragrance; no mold.  We are: non-smokers; we do NOT use chemical moth repellants. Our house is MOLD-free, fragrance-free, chemical-free, Covid-free.

MATERIALS: Navajo hand-spun sheep wool. Warps: 8-9/inch—natural white/beige sheep wool. Wefts:  30/inch; Navajo hand-spun wool in 12 colors, including synthetic-dyed dark red, light red, light & dark orange, black, platinum blue, yellow, silver gray, gray, chocolate brown, & natural light & dark brown.  Selvedge:  Navajo hand-spun sheep wool; synthetic-dyed red.

WRITTEN AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE:  Navajo-woven abstract art weaving in the “Red Mesa” design style; c. 1930-40; approximating 39 x 61”  .  Warps: 8-9/inch; natural light brown Navajo hand-spun wool.  Wefts:  30/inch; Navajo hand-spun wool in 12 colors—2 natural wool colors & 10 synthetic-dyed colors. Selvedge:  Navajo hand-spun sheep wool; synthetic-dyed red.

Buy without worries. (1) Written authenticity guarantee from a 20+ yr. member of the Authentic Tribal Art Dealers Asso. [ATADA]; (2) We are COVID-FREE--we, our inventory & our packing materials have been well protected from any Covid virus exposures. (3) Our home & inventory storage is chemical-free, fragrance-free, mold-free, to protect our & YOUR HEALTH. Click this link: How we PROTECT your HEALTH