Navajo Ganado Weaving c.1900-1910--100 yr. old abstract art beauty. W9730


Navajo Ganado Weaving c.1900-1910--100 yr. old abstract art beauty. W9730



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Size: approximately 38 inches wide on 1 end and 34 wide on the other end, and approximately 57 inches in length.

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Inventory #W9730

Origin:  Dine [Navajo]; Navajo Nation, Southwest USA.

Comments. 100 years ago, this Navajo weaver had wonderful artistic vision in creating this AWESOME abstract art using all natural, hand-spun Navajo sheep wool: (1) central diamond within a diamond, dramatically outlined by stepped, dark brown natural borders and overlain on a bright, natural white wool background; (2) the large diamond’s central field of beautifully variegated natural light brown wool; (3) stepped diamond border in dark chocolate brown natural wool, outlining the white field. As with “old time”, historic Diné weavers, this weaver envisioned her design before ever starting to weave—envisioned it all in her mind…NO designing on paper. The age-worn condition of its edges does NOT in the least detract from its wonderful abstract art beauty or the life stories reflected [“told”] by its 100 yr. age. TRULY AFFORDABLE, ORIGINAL, HISTORIC, UNIQUE ART TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME & ADD JOY TO EACH DAY!

Written Authenticity Guarantee. Navajo Ganado Weaving, c. 1900-1910. Approximately 57” long by 38” wide at one end and 34” wide at other end. All natural, hand-spun, Navajo sheep wool. Warps: 8-9 per inch- natural white Navajo sheep wool, with limited natural light brown. Wefts: 24-26 per inch- natural white, chocolate brown & variegated light brown.

Condition.  As shown in photos & sold as-is.  Professionally cleaned.  NO fading on either side. NO moth damage. NO odors of tobacco, chemicals, fragrances. We are: non-smokers! We do NOT use chemical moth repellants of any type. Our place is MOLD-free, fragrance-free, chemical-free, Covid-free.

         Size variation.  See photos.  Variations in size and pattern are typical and common for Navajo textiles hand-woven 90-100 years ago on a rustic, upright loom.  This weaving obviously has an approximate 4” difference in width:  38” on 1 end and 34” on the other—without stretching the textile.  You can see that the general width is more in the 34” range.  If this size difference bothers you—do NOT buy the weaving!  For me, it’s still beautiful, dramatic, HISTORIC art.

         Weft and warp dark lines.  See photo.  The 1 vertical and several horizontal dark lines in limited areas are from the weaver having used wefts or warps that are variegated brown or white instead of pure white.

         Selvedge, edge and corner damage.  See photos.  There is extensive selvedge damage including in some areas, loss of limited warp and weft yarns.  All corners have some damage.  Even while showing its old age, this weaving makes dramatic, unique, 100 yr old wall art.  Pricing takes into account existing condition.  Sold as is

Buy without worries!! (1) Written authenticity guarantee from 28 yr. member of Authentic Tribal Art Dealers Asso. []. (2) COVID-FREE! We, our inventory and our packing materials have been fully protected from Covid virus exposures. (3) To protect YOUR HEALTH and ours: our home and inventory are FREE of chemicals, fragrances, mold, odors, smoking, moths.