Rare Lupé Lovato 20" 1-strand Turquoise Graduated Disc Necklace with 'Spiny Oyster' 'Corn' Dangles


Rare Lupé Lovato 20" 1-strand Turquoise Graduated Disc Necklace with 'Spiny Oyster' 'Corn' Dangles

Sale Price:$400.00 Original Price:$500.00

Artist: Lupé Lovato
Kewa Pueblo (formerly known as Santo Domingo)

:  Kingman turquoise semi-precious gemstones; ‘spiny oyster’ shell; sterling silver end beads & clasp
Size:   approximately 20” long end-to-end
Weight:   91 grams
Price: $500. SALE: $400. FREE: ship & Insurance [47 states + DC]. Written Authenticity Guarantee.

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Inv# LL1TS20.1901

Guarantee:  necklace consisting of a single strand of Kingman Turquoise semi-precious gemstone graduated discs, with 5 spiny oyster ‘corn’ drops, & Sterling Silver end beads & clasp; approx. 20” long &  hand-made by Kewa artist, Lupé Lovato.

Summary Description:  approx. 20” long, single-strand necklace of Kingman Turquoise polished graduated discs; the necklace centered by 5 ‘spiny oyster’ ‘corn’ dangles, & terminating at each end with a sterling silver bead & clasp.

Materials:   USA Kingman Turquoise semi-precious gemstones; ‘spiny oyster’ shell; sterling silver. NOTE: ‘Spiny Oyster’ ‘corn’ of this beautiful shade of deep orange is now scarce due to rapidly depleting stocks of the Spondylus mollusks that are the source of the shell. See “Comments” section below for more information.

Dimensions [approximate, with minor variations due to being hand-cut, hand-polished, & hand-drilled by the artist, & due to variations in natural gemstone material].  Measurements made using a micrometer.

  • Necklace length: total end-to-end length approximately 20”

  • Graduated discs’ diameter:  range from 0.1” diameter at the clasp ends and gradually increasing in diameter to 0.48” diameter at the necklace center

  • Graduated discs thickness:  approximately 0.1” thick

  • 5 center ‘spiny oyster’ ‘corn’ dangles graduated in size:  length from 0.7” to 1”, and varying in thickness from 0.1” to 0.2” thick.

Weight91 grams

Comments.   In Fall 2019 pre-Covid, we acquired this great necklace hand-crafted by Kewa Pueblo jewelry artist LUPÉ LOVATO. Lupé uses knowledge & skills passed down from generations of his Kewa ancestors to produce beautiful and unique designs.   His jewelry is sought after because he is well known for producing only high quality earrings and necklaces.  Why this reputation for high quality?

  • He personally hand-selects the gemstone stock to obtain the highest quality & beauty of material.  Even if there is a backlog of demand for his signature necklaces & earrings, he refuses to make any jewelry if high-grade gemstone stock is not available to meet his standards.  For instance, despite high demands for his jet and turquoise necklaces in 2019, he did not make them for months because his favorite high quality JET gemstone stock was not available—so he refused to use lower grade, soft Jet to fill the backlog of orders.

  • From the bulk gemstone stock, Lupé hand-cuts, hand-shapes, hand-polishes, & hand-drills individual pieces so that earrings pairs have beautifully matched gemstones, and so the hundreds of graduated, polished turquoise and gemstone discs form a smoothly graduated, evenly polished, beautiful necklace.  And each of the ‘spiny oyster’ ‘corn’ dangles is hand-selected to match colors, hand-shaped, hand-polished, and hand-drilled to form a stunning dangle assembly. ‘Spiny Oyster’ shell is actually NOT an oyster shell at all, but is the shell of bivalve mollusks of the genus Spondylus, known for the beautiful variety of colors ranging from white, red, orange, gold & even purple. See “Comments” section below regarding the rapidly depleting stocks of this ocean mollusk.

  • To ensure necklaces lay flat and form an attractive curved center when worn, & so the center dangle assembly doesn’t bind, Lupé inserts a tiny, hand-cut, hand-polished turquoise disc before and after the 5 ‘spiny oyster’ ‘corn’ dangles.  Failure to use this time-consuming, intricate step results in a necklace that binds at the center when worn, pinches skin, refuses to lay flat on the chest, & causes the center dangles to bind—a sign of lesser quality, cheaper necklaces.

When you reflect on all of these procedures--and the fact that a necklace this size contains over 100 individually selected, cut, shaped, polished gemstones, all by hand—it is indeed an amazing piece of art that is an honor and joy to wear.  We feel privileged to be able to offer Lupé Lovato’s beautiful jewelry art.

WHY WE WILL NOT ACQUIRE MORE JEWELRY CONTAINING ‘SPINY OYSTER’ SHELL. Since pre-Covid 2019 when we purchased these Lupé Lovato necklaces with ‘Spiny Oyster’ shell, research has demonstrated that ocean populations of Spondylus bivalve mollusks are being depleted along with many other ocean species. This is caused by 2 factors: adverse ocean ecological changes caused by fossil fuel-driven climate change, along with world-wide demand for beautiful ocean shells. Ocean corals became endangered more than a decade ago. That is why we have NEVER offered any coral jewelry.

WE DO NOT WANT TO BE A FACTOR IN HELPING MAKE SPONDYLUS AN ENDANGERED SPECIES, so after our current few ‘spiny oyster’ necklaces and earrings are sold, we will no longer purchase or offer jewelry with ‘spiny oyster’ or any other threatened species. PLEASE JOIN US IN HELPING END CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSED BY FOSSIL FUEL-DOMINATED ECONOMIES: (1) become politically active in demanding fast climate action by elected officials; (2) join & support nonprofit citizen groups leading the fight to save Mother Earth & our children’s future: 350.org and BiologicalDiversity.org—2 terrific leaders of the fight.